GHBPA Boosters

GHBPA is the Grafton High Band PARENT Association for the band program. Have a son or daughter in the band? Great, you’re a Band parent! Parents are active in the many aspects of the band program. Parent support makes our Grafton Band a huge success. Helping with the band means acting as chaperones, fundraisers, band trip planners, concessionaires, pit crew members, band camp volunteers, uniform helpers, and band board members. Helping the band is rewarding and builds relationships, you can volunteer whether you have a little or a lot to give. Fill out the volunteer form below and talk to us, we will match you with a team. Band parents are enthusiastic supporters of our children!

GHBPA Executive Board Nominations

The GHBPA nominating committee nominated the following individuals for the Executive Board for the 2024-2025 school year.  Elections were held during the Spring concert on Sunday, May 19, 2024.

President: Erica Richards
1st Vice President: Tara Leverett
2nd Vice President:  Dottie Garrison
Secretary:  Kelley Dausman
Treasurer: Jill Marlowe
